About This Space

Between home and school, I have 3-5 devices that I am always doing work or searching for ideas. I couldn't keep track of all my bookmarks (and pinning isn't aloud on the district server). Here is the place that all my cool teaching ideas and resources will land. I hope to keep it organized so that anyone who falls upon my site will be able to find something cool too!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Remind 101 --App

Remind 101 is a free app that allows you to safely text parents and/or students with reminders of homeowrk, assignments and forms that are due.  Check out the post here about how to use Remind 101:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Best Part of Me

Another great beginning (or end) of year activity for writing, photography and art.
Here is the post from blogger: Fabulous in Fourth
The Best Part of Me Lesson

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Internet Respect

Here is a poster I got off of edmodo.  Great talking points for safety on the internet.
Digital Citizenship Poster

Virtual Manipulatives

Free app with manipulatives for math.  Featured are the arrangements for fractions decimals and percents.
Virtual Manipulatives

List Poem/Shape Poem

I found a cool website thanks to teacher blogger at 4th Grade Frolics.  She made word clouds for Earth Day on http://www.tagxedo.com/  Check out her post here:

I thought this would be a great beginning of the year activity for students to do a list poem about themselves and then customize the shape and colors to fit their personality.  Here are 2 samples I did for Sophi and Colin;

Another great tool to transform student writing into a shape is http://www.festisite.com/text-layout/#2,0.  They have a few options to turn your text into shapes.  It works best with a paragraph or two.  Read the post here at Easy Ed Tech Blog about how they wrote a paragraph about a mom and put it in the shape of a heart.  Festisite also has spiral shpaes, banners, mazes and a rebus creater!!  Very cool for your kids you want to write in code!