About This Space

Between home and school, I have 3-5 devices that I am always doing work or searching for ideas. I couldn't keep track of all my bookmarks (and pinning isn't aloud on the district server). Here is the place that all my cool teaching ideas and resources will land. I hope to keep it organized so that anyone who falls upon my site will be able to find something cool too!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Everything in its Place

I am excited to be getting my hands on an IPad very soon.  My principal has asked a group of teachers to take an Ipad home over th summer and blog about ways it can be used by students and teachers at our school.  I have encountered ideas all over the web, but I can't seem to always find what I need when I am searching at home, or at school.  So I am creating this place to categorize and collect all that good teaching, resources and ideas that are out there. 

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